Celebration Pics

Aunt Dorothy’s 90th Birthday & Mom and Dad’s 50th Anniversary on June 22, 2013. Watch slideshow below or go to bottom of page for individual pictures.

Please contact Tawnya by filling out our form if you have any photos you’d like to add to our page so other relatives can enjoy!

I’ve put all of the pics up that I received so far as some were smiling in one and not the other. To SAVE any to your computer if on a PC just right click on the picture with your mouse and a screen will pop up so you can save image to your computer. Not sure what you do if you are on a MAC, get a PC maybe? 😉

Feel free to click on each picture and leave your comments for other relatives to read. Be nice eh? 😉 I’m not sure who everyone is now as the Kelly’s family as 3-4 generations now so please leave a reply under each picture if you know who they are or if I’ve made an error and I can add their names.